Benefits of Eating Microgreens


There are many benefits to Microgreens, let’s visit a few….

Boosts the immune system

Rich in vitamin C, microgreens help to protect your body’s overall immune system. They act as an antioxidant by stabilizing volatile molecules that can damage cells. Vitamin C helps with collagen production which also helps heal wounds and maintain strong blood vessel walls.

Promotes healthy skin and eyes

Microgreens contain plenty of vitamin A. This vitamin helps promote healthier skin and maintain vision. It also converts food into energy and helping the immune system.

May aid in weight loss

As Microgreens have zero fat, and are low in carbs and calories, it can be a great addition to your weight loss diet.

Regulates blood sugar levels

The chemical compounds glucosinolate and isothiocyanate are found in radishes. These help to maintain healthy blood sugar levels. In addition, an antioxidant called coenzyme Q10 helps to prevent the onset of diabetes.

Detoxifying and cleansing properties

Compounds found in Microgreens help the kidneys cleanse the body of toxins and protect the liver from damage.

May protect against cancer 

Many cruciferous veggies like radish may help prevent some forms of cancer. Isothiocyanates found in radish prevent tumors from forming and cleanse the body of unhealthy cancer-causing compounds.

Reduces inflammation

Microgreens are high in antioxidants that can help reduce inflammation throughout the body as well as protect against diseases such as arthritis.

May protect against Alzheimer’s

Microgreens are very high in vitamin E which is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect cells from damage. A diet rich in vitamin E is a great way to ward off Alzheimer’s disease.

Improves digestion

Microgreens are a great source of dietary fibre. Promoting healthy bowel movements which may help relieve common digestive problems such as constipation, bloating, gas and indigestion.


Let’s face it, we tend to live busy lifestyles with many people turning to supplements and over the counter options in an attempt to be healthier. Microgreens give you the opportunity to ensure sure you’re eating well and getting your essential doses of vitamins and nutrients without expensive over the counter supplements or vitamins or having to make time to eat more fruit and vegetables during the day.


This does not mean you should replace any fruit and vegetables already in your diet, rather add a small amount of Microgreens to your daily meals and enjoy the benefits.

which microgreens regrow after cutting

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