Growing Over Winter

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Winter has arrived, and everyone is beginning to move inside to stay warm, but can we still grow microgreens over winter? During the Winter months it can be challenging due to lower light levels and colder temperatures however, with the right setup, and attention you can successfully grow microgreens anywhere. Check out our resources below to help you grow over these cooler months.

Using Indoor Grow Lights: Natural sunlight is reduced during winter due to shorter days. Fortunately, Microgreens can be grown using most lights, LED lights are both energy-efficient and provide the right spectrum of light for optimal growth. Position the lights a few inches above the microgreens to simulate sunlight and set your lights on a timer to give your greens 12-16 hours per day.

Indoor Greenhouse or Grow Tent: Setting up a small indoor greenhouse or grow tent, this creates a controlled environment and helps maintain the temperature and humidity level. If using a grow tent that does not allow light in will require artificial lighting.

Heat Mats: Some Microgreens prefer slightly warmer temperatures. Placing heat mats beneath the trays or containers provides gentle warmth to the seeds, promoting germination and growth. All varieties of seeds are different, using seeds that are in season can also reduce the requirement for heat mats.

Seasonal or Faster-Growing Varieties: During winter, it can take longer for seeds to germinate. Opt for faster-growing varieties such as Rocket, Mustard, Radish, Pak Choi, or even Broccoli, which have shorter growth cycles and can tolerate cooler conditions.

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Can I Grow Microgreens Without Soil?

Absolutely, you can grow Microgreens without soil. Kiwigreens Urban Farms proudly stock Micropod’s, Micropod’s are an eco-friendly solution to growing microgreens. Their design of using compostable seed mats and bamboo fibre trays shows a dedication to reducing waste and promoting environmentally conscious choices.

Micropod’s are designed to provide an easy and convenient way to grow microgreens. The bamboo fibre tray and lid, along with the honeycomb grills, offer structural support for microgreens to grow. Using a soilless method like Micropod’s simplifies the process of growing microgreens, eliminating the mess and maintenance that is associated to soil based systems. The Micropod range comes in a variety of sizes from starter kits to continuous cycle grow kits ensure you have Microgreens fresh to eat every week.

Growing microgreens without soil provides a clean and controlled environment, making it easier to manage. They offer convenience, accessibility, and the chance to enjoy the benefits of homegrown Microgreens regardless of space or gardening experience.

Home Gardeners: A great option for home gardeners who want to grow fresh microgreens in small quantities without the mess.

Urban Dwellers: Living in an urban environment with limited to no outdoor space, Micropod’s offer an opportunity to grow your own microgreens indoors. They can be placed on a windowsill, countertop, or any well-lit area, making them ideal for apartments or small living spaces. With minimal waste they are also convenient for people with limited to no composting access.

Beginners: Micropod’s are designed to be user-friendly, suitable for beginners or those new to gardening. With the provided seed mats and clear instructions, it can be an easy and fun method to begin growing microgreens without the need for prior gardening knowledge or experience.

Schools and Educational Settings: Micropod’s can be a valuable tool for educational purposes, teaching students how plants grow and the germination process, health and nutrition, and sustainable growing practices. The compact size of Micropod’s make them manageable and suitable for classrooms, involving your children in growing vegetables will encourage them to try new foods.

Culinary Enthusiasts: Microgreens are popular for their vibrant colours, unique flavours, and nutritional value. Micropod’s provide an easy and convenient source of fresh microgreens for chefs, foodies, or anyone interested in enhancing their dishes with these flavourful and visually appealing ingredients. Due to Micropod’s convenient size Chefs and Foodies can have Microgreens ready at their fingertips for every dish. Check out our range.

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how to grow vegetables

Will Microgreens Keep Growing?

Transplanting Microgreens to extend their growth is a good way to get the most out of your seeds and reduce waste. If you have the space and resources, you can continue growing Microgreens to baby salads or their mature stage, ensuring you have fresh vegetables all year long. If you are interested in growing baby greens or mature vegetables, it is usually best to start with the appropriate techniques for growing larger vegetables. Microgreens seeds are sown densely whereas when growing mature vegetables, you generally only use 1-2 seeds at a time. You can transplant Microgreen plants to larger pots to continue growing into baby greens or mature vegetables. If you are growing in soil then you can easily pick a few Microgreens from the corners once big enough, being careful to not damage the roots, effectively transplanting Microgreens to larger pots.

The flavour and texture of fully mature plants will differ from that of harvested Microgreens, but it is a good way to maximise the use of the initial crop. While you experiment with allowing some Microgreens to grow larger, have some fun, experiment with different spaces and equipment to grow. Like everything, with love and attention you can create a favourable environment for growing during the winter months and continue enjoying fresh and nutritious greens all year long. The main goal of sustainable urban farming is to provide fresh, healthy, and locally grown food to urban communities while reducing the environmental impact of food production and distribution. It also promotes community engagement, education, and empowerment by involving residents in the process of food production.

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why sustainable gardening at home

Microgreens can be grown year-round, even in areas with less natural sunlight, for example over winter, by using lights. LED lights have the capacity to deliver the ideal spectrum of light for plant growth making them highly recommended. You can mimic sunshine and create the optimum growing environment by placing the lights a few inches above the microgreens and setting them on a timer for 12–16 hours each day. For a plant to grow well, regular observation, appropriate watering, and nutrient control are required. By following the below steps and providing the right lighting conditions, you can successfully grow microgreens using LED lights, even during periods of reduced natural sunlight such as winter.

Set up your lights: Position lights a few inches above the microgreens mimicking the intensity of sunlight. Ensure that the lights are evenly distributed over the growing area. You can tell if your lighting is suitable by the direction your microgreens or seedlings grow. If they are leaning towards another light source, then you may need to consider stronger lights.

Set your timer: Set up a timer to automatically turn on and off the lights, maintaining a regular lighting schedule. Typically, microgreens require 12-16 hours of light per day for optimal growth.

Adjust the lights height: Adjust the height of lights to maintain a distance of a few inches above your microgreens as they grow. Lights should not sit too close as it can cause heat damage or excessive stretching of the plants. There are many affordable options you can use, adjustable light fixtures, hanging lights using chains or purchase a simple LED light on a bendable arm for easy adjustments.

Monitor the temperature and humidity: LED lights are cost effective and generate less heat compared to other lights, but it's still important to monitor the temperature around the growing area. Maintaining the temperature and humidity level creates an ideal growing environment for growing.

Watering guidelines: Provide adequate water to keep the growing medium moist but not waterlogged.

Check you Greens: Check for signs of disease, pests, daily. Remove any damaged or dead plant material to maintain a healthy growing environment. Monitor the growth progress and adjust the lighting or other environmental factors as needed.

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sustainable gardening tips

In conclusion, cultivating microgreens over the winter is an excellent method to get healthy, fresh greens even in the chilly months. Microgreens can be grown inside and take up very little room, so anyone can grow them, regardless of the size of their home. You are able to give your meals a brilliant boost of flavour, texture, and nutrition just by adding microgreens, you'll also get the satisfaction of eating food that you grew yourself. You can also have a supply of fresh greens year-round by growing microgreens indoors, regardless of the weather outside.

Winter microgreen growing is a fun and satisfying pastime that supports a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle, regardless of your level of gardening experience. Overall, sustainable urban farming offers numerous benefits, including reduced greenhouse gas emissions, improved food security, and increased access to healthy food options in urban areas.

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